Automation and Robotic

Upgrade, Maintenance and Repair

Your existing controls and automation equipment cannot be ignored and needs to be upgraded when system components are no longer available or software is no longer supported.  We can upgrade your existing control and automation equipment, so you no longer have to worry about parts availability,  software support, or making updates to your automation programs.

We offer to monitor and service your control system remotely utilizing remote VPN access capabilities saving you time and money. We will recommend any preventative maintenance procedures and train your personnel to perform maintenance items.

Why Remote Maintenance and Service?

  Maintenance and ongoing service, from your system integrators, is essential to a well running system. We are able to provide remote maintenance to locations throughout North America.

Remote maintenance and service for Industrial Automation:

  • Eliminates travel costs for service
  • Eliminates the ‘wait’ time for service to begin
  • We are the backup support to your staff for your system maintenance or repair
  • Disaster recovery we save a copy of your programs and updates on our file server providing you off-site backup for recovery in the event it is needed

About us

Open communication climate and short decision paths describes our organization very well. We are a close-knitted company where everyone’s opinions are both valued and heard.

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